Design System

Collaborating with my Future Roads design team, we created a design system for a General Motors Safety View application that would be wholly developed within GM. This application would be much more modular, adding the benefits of importing custom map files, custom insight widgets, the ability to use premade templates (based on customer needs), even create favorites to share with other users. Below are the screens I helped create as a collection of reusable components with clearly defined standards and guidelines for use. Created in Figma, the design system was shareable with the ability to utilize the "Dev Mode" for easy developer handoff.

Redesign Overview Our entry screen, communicating the basics of the application.

Design discovery  What is the purpose for this application? The knowledge collected to drive the work that informs design decisions and to define what “success” means. In building a shared pool of knowledge, this helped create a common language to talk about the design of the project.